“Talk and Not Talk: Anne Carson’s Dialogue of Grief” at Los Angeles Review of Books
“The Voice: Louise Glück’s Self-Annihilation” at Voltage Poetry (Presenting some of poetry’s greatest turns)
“The Irrational Element in the Undergraduate Poetry Workshop: Beyond Craft.” in Teaching Creative Writing in Higher Education Ed. Heather Beck. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
“Clerks in a Post-Religious Age: Reading Lurie’s Remnant Romantic
Temperament in Disgrace“ in Encountering Disgrace: Reading and Teaching Coetzee’s Novel. Ed. Bill McDonald. New York: Camden House, 2009.
Between the Quotidian and the Transcendent in World Literature Today (May-August 2005): 23-26.
Constructing and Residing in the Paradox of Dickinson’s Prismatic Space in Emily Dickinson Journal 9.1 (2000): 49-70.
Unfamiliar Ground: Inspiring Students with Abstraction in Third Mind: Creative Writing through Visual Art Ed. Tonya Foster & Kristin Prevallet. New York: Teachers & Writers Collaborative, 2002.
“A Quiet Contending: Poetic Restraint and Emotional Release in Thomas Hardy’s ‘The Voice’.” in The Hardy Review. 1.1 (July 1998): 92-98.
I wrote the biographic and interpretative Notes for The Sixty-Four Sonnets by John Keats. Introduction by Edward Hirsch. Philadelphia: Paul Dry Books, 2004.